07 Mar Special Notice: Message for Peace
Dear EURAPS members,
We find ourselves once again in an uttermost unfortunate historical context, barely -if already- leaving Covid behind.
The war in Ukraine leaves no one untouched and also causes great concern within our association, along with a warm wave of solidarity.
We advocate broad solidarity with all those who are victims of this horrific military invasion.
This current war touches all our souls: souls that above all aim for peace, for freedom of thought and speech, for mutual respect and understanding.
As medical doctors and plastic surgeons we won’t be able to solve the complex and long-standing political security concerns in Ukraine.
But we do know that collaboration and communication are the only valuable keys to solve political disagreements between governments.
In a war we are all losers ! Too many are affected by deep human suffering.
However, we can and we want to forward our strongest motivation to support peace and respect,
by medicine and science, beyond national borders, opinions and religions for our colleagues in Ukraine ànd Russia.
In surgery and science, we cooperate, discuss, solve and proceed in a prosperous future.
We want to share our strongest thoughts and support to our EURAPS members from Ukraine ànd for all innocent citizens in Ukraine, that suffer the most as a result of inconsiderate, irresponsible and inacceptable actions by governments that should speak with and for the hearts of their citizens.
We fully support, wherever we can, the intensively emerging aid programs to Ukraine, currently coordinated in practically àll European countries !
Yours sincerely,
EURAPS Executive Council