02 Feb Obituary Kjartan Hasse Stenbuck Arctander
On February 2, 2021 Kjartan Hasse Stenbuck Arctander passed away.
For many years Kjartan was the only EURAPS plastic surgical representative of Norway.
Born in Øksnes, Finmark, in the north of Norway on November 9, 1957 he grew up in Stamsund, Lofoten. After moving to Oslo in 1976, he started to study Dentistry and worked as a dentist till 1983, the year he started to study Medicine. He was finally trained in Plastic Surgery in the Rikshospitalet University Hospital and became registered in August 1997. It was in the Rikshospitalet that he met his future wife Helene Bolin.
From 2004-2009, he worked at the Ullevål University Hospital. After the Oslo University Hospital was established through the merger of Ullevål, Rikshospitalet, Radiumhospitalet and Aker University Hospitals, he became in charge of the unit for Head and Neck surgery at the OUS-Rikshospitalet. He was appointed head of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at the Oslo University Hospital in 2018 and remained it that position till his death. His main interest where oncoplastic reconstructions of the face, especially of the orbital region for which he started a close collaboration with the department of Ophthalmology.
Kjatan is survived by his wife Helene, his daughters Marthe and Hanna, his sons Vegard and Sindre and his two grandchildren Herman and Erle. He will be remembered as a wonderful husband and (grand)father, and a kind and dedicated plastic surgeon and EURAPS colleague.